Thank you! Each and every one of you who joined us on Saturday 9th March 2024 at the Spa Suncourt, Scarborough Spa, Southbay, Scarborough for making this years Yorkshire Beard Day 2024 a most fun and friendly affair and a joyous celebration of facial hair in all its forms.
Here are the headline beard competition results and bragging rites holders as announced on the day…
Category winners
Goatee – Josh
Musketeer – Andy Longhair
Action man / short beard – Malky
Garibaldi – Mike (Eggie)
Full beard natural – John ‘Gandalf’ Dixon
Full Beard with styled Moustache – Shane Hedge Hazelgrave
Full Beard Freestyle – Neil Loggie
Partial Beard Freestyle – Matt Nichols
Whitby Whaler / Sea captains chin warmer – Matthew Darlow
False Beard Freestyle – Wendy
This year the competition was hottest in the Full Beard Natural, business / short beard and false beard freestyle categories.
Overall Winners
Yorkshire Beard of the Year – Neil Loggie
2nd – Shane Hedge Hazelgrave
3rd – John ‘Gandalf’ Dixon

The audience were split 50/50 between Neil and Shane even after each were given the opportunity to garner public opinion in their direction followed by an audience “cheer off” so they agreed to decide their fate with the toss of a coin. Heads or tails… the coin landed heads up and Neil with his rainbow freestyled full beard took the crown!
Beard Judges
This years judges were…
David Birdsall – Scarborough Town Crier
Steve Crawford – King Neptune
Trophies created and Donated by The Robotic Woodsmith
Thank you all again for attending Yorkshire Beard Day 2024 the first since 2020 as always you were all amazing! and remember there are no losers here… if you are growing a beard or appreciate beards you are already a winner! 🙂
The British Beard Club...
Become a member of The British Beard Club and get your British Beard Club Pin Badge Visit the official British Beard Club website:
Forward planning….
Do you want to get involved with Yorkshire Beard Day 2025? Use the contact form or email and give mention of how you’d like to help either by sponsoring the event, promoting the event, providing live music to entertain the bearded, booking a beard related stall, brewing a special beer, creating beard art, etc..